Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Spock is the son of Vulcan Ambassador Sarek and Amanda Grayson. He is one of the few that achieve respect among the known Star Trek Universe. Spock angered Sarek when he declined to study at prestigious Vulcan Science Academy and joined Starfleet instead. Spock served on the Enterprise for 11 years under Christopher Pike and James T. Kirk. Spock acts as Kirks logical side as well as his conscious.

Khan Noonien Singh

Khan is a genetically engineered superhuman who once controlled a quarter of earth during the Eugenics war in the 1990s. He was revived in the year 2267 by the crew of the Enterprise; Kahn tries to capture the starship but is overthrown by Kirk. He is exiled to Ceti Alpha 5.


Sarek was born 2155. His father is Scon however his mother was never identified. He was married to a Vulcan princess and had a son before Spock, Sybok. He has great compassion for Earth and humanity, which is shown throughout the films.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Captain James T. Kirk
Leonard Bones McCoy
Montgomory Scott Scotty
Christine Chapel

Monday, December 20, 2010

James Tibereus Kirk

He was born and raised in Riverside, Iowa in 2233. He was born to George and Winona Kirk. He mostly lived on Tarsus IV. He was one of the surviving witnesses to the massacre of 4,000 colonists by Kudus the Executioner. He has a brother, George Samuel introduced in operation annihilate.
He is the only Starfleet cadet to defeat the Koboayashi Maru test.  He received accommodation for original thinking when he reprogrammed the computer in making a no win scenario winable.