Friday, December 7, 2018

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Star Trek Quote:

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Premeried: December 7, 1979

Admiral Kirk returned to his former command of the Enterprise when a powerful entity threatened the Federation as it made its way towards Earth. The Enterprise crew reunited to take on the threat, surprised to discover that the Artificial Intelligence at the core of the entity originated on Earth. It was the remains of the Voyager VI space probe launched in the 20th century with a message for the universe. Aliens discovered the probe and empowered it to fulfill its percieved mission to "learn all that it could." As the newly christened V'ger returned to its home planet, it unintentionally destroyed everythingin its path until the Enterprise crew put an end to the threat.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Star Trek Quote of the day:

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Premeired: December 6, 1991

When Praxis, the moon of Klingon homeworld, exploded, it caused an environmental disaster with the potetial to affect the entire empire. Realizing the future was limited for his people, Klingon Chancellor Gorken extended a hand of peace to the Federation. But his assination while being escorted by the Starship Enterprise threatened this peace, forcing Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy  to turn themselves over for prosecution in the crime. Once their crew rescued the men from a Klingon prison world they uncovered the true forces trying to destabilise the Khitomer Accords. Thanks to their intervention, the Federation and Klingon Empire were able to enter a new era of peace.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Star Trek Quote of the Day:

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Premeired: November 26, 1986

Captain Kirk's plan to return to Earth with his senior staff following the destruction of the Enterprise waa interrupted by an alien probe damaging the planet in its attempt to communicate with whales that had long been extinct. Once Kirk and his crew realized what was happening, they journeyed back in time to the twentieth century in their borrowed Klingon Bird-of-Prey. Their mission was to retreive a pair of whales that could communicate with the probe. In spite of several issues that came from their being centuries out of time, the former Enterprise crew successfully retrieved the whales returning to the 23rd century and their new ship the Enterprise-A.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Montgomery "Scotty" Scott

March 3, 2222

In the original timeline, Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott was beholden to his true love the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701. Scotty, his friends knew him, cared for the Enterprise engines as if they were his babies. Though he was almost as devoted to his next ship, the NCC-1701-A, the origiginal Enterprise always held a special place in his heart. Following his proud StarFleet career, Scotty was en route on the Norpin Colony when an encounter with a Dyson Sphere threatened his life. Scotty managed to save himself by suspending his pattern in a transporter beam. The crew of the Enterprise-D discovered him 75 years later, when Scotty went on to continue his retirement in a new era.

Monday, February 26, 2018


March 26, 2230

Spock served on the U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701 under Captain Christopher Pike for eleven years before James Kirk took command, leading the ship on its most historic missions. The stoic Vulcan formed a deep bond with his captain and ultimately sacrificed his life for the crew when the ship was in jeopardy of being destroyed by the experimental Genisis device. A unique set of circumstances allowed Spock to regenerate and unite with his katra with his body as he continued to seve within StarFleet until he became a Federation Ambassador. Spock attepted to unify the Federation with the Romulans, though he ultimately failed to save the planet Romulus from destruction from a star that went Supernova.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy

Star Trek Quote of the Day:

StarTrek Birthday:

Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy

Born: January 20, 2227

"The old country doctor on the Original Starship Enterprise could be a bit of curmudgeon with something of a bias against Vulcans--or one Vulcan in particular--but he was one of the top physicians in StarFleet. McCoy came to the rescue of his crew many times until his subsequent retirement from StarFleet and his unplanned reactivation at the request of Admiral Kirk. For a time, McCoy shared his consciousness with the Katra, or living spirit, of Spock, allowing his friend to be reborn as they continued their adventures on a new Enterprise for years to come."