Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Higher Frontier

The Higher Frontier is by Christopher L. Bennett. I started reading this on  Saturday July 10, 2021. It had 333 pages. I completed reading it on September 9, 2021.

Sisrya was a telepath, of the Race Kenar, she just felt tons of her people being murdered but didn't know why?

"Of those few decisions when the intruders did come--Andorian radicals resentful for Kenorian struggles for rights, or off world slavers seeking to exploit there telepathic gifts, as the Romulans had done generations before--the strongest telepath adept have senses and hide their compounds and its occupation from its view, or to frighten them off with hallucinations of caverns collapsing around them. Species that relied on vision were easily fooled." 

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 4

Each life can be fooled easily, no matter if they relied on vision or other senses. They all can be fooled.

The Aenor are a subspecies of the Andorians.

"Life without emotion was sterile and pointless."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 10

Life is comprised of every aspect of the adventurous cosmic beings that we know as ourselves as well as other such entities. Some people are more attuned to the other-worldly aspects of life than others. Their may be a real issue when the many realities that exist simultaneously confuse people.  This causes outbreaks such as panic, violence; but it also is the cause of such euphoric event as peace on Earth and goodwill throughout the lands.

"Some people get a thrill out of destroying what is rare and precious, like hunters going after endangered species, just to show they can. It gives them a sense of power."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 10

This behavior is very childish and immature. It shows no growth in the spirit. 

Medusans are powerful telepathic alien race.

"Working with Vulcans, scientists at Duke and Heidelberg Universities had developed a means of testing humans for psi potential, and over time assessments of "ESP ratings" and "appreciation questions" had become a routine part of psychological and educational assessments even though were usually all but meaningless. Most humans, proved to have virtually nonexistent esper levels, while moderate test quotients often represented nothing more than heightened sensory acuity. Spatial awareness, or synthesis, even those with higher esper ratings had little more than heightened intuition or occasional faint awareness. But a tiny fraction of humans had proven capable of genuine telepathy when properly guided to cultivate their potential--to the surprise of human scientists who had believed such phenomena to have been thourghly debunked by previous experimentation. And so the testing continued, in the generally vain hope of discovering an extraordinary gift."

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 17-18

"The New Humans took a more spiritual view. They believed that by making contact with other worlds and achieving peace and unification amongst ourselves, humans finally began to mature as a species. To expand our minds and souls in ways that let us make stronger connections with each other and with the universe itself."

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 20

"Human potential is infinite."


Ideas are of boundless potential. You can do whatever you set your mind to. The future is constantly being rewritten.

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 21

"Telepathic potential has been known to exist in a small percentage of humans for as long as the means to measure it has been available."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 31

"I think it's more likely that those events merely inspired human espers to seek each other out, enabling them to work together on developing and refining their latent capabilities. However, it is difficult to say for certain. As with the Aernars telepathy, the origin and nature of psionic ability in humans is still a mystery to Federation science. Neither species is naturally telepathic and their brains lack structures akin to the para cortex that enables the psi abilities in species such as Vulcans, Deltans, and Denobulans."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 32

"I have not renounced knowledge or discipline. I have merely come to recognize that emotion is an integral part of the cognitive process, and it is thus logical to accept it's presence and employ it--to integrate it with one's reason rather than living at odds with ones own being."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 33

"The most unnatural thing of all is uniformity.  Individual variations within any species are what gives it the evolutionary robustness to adapt to changing conditions. Diversity of ideas within a population allows a similar adaptability and facilitates growth and innovation. This is the essence of the principle of infinite diversities in infinite combinations."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 34

"In this day and age, with disabilities so rare, humans are out of touch at understanding those of us who still have them and taking existence in stride without pitying us."

Dr. Jones

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 37

"It's a big galaxy, after all. One that contains numerous casual influences that lead certain individuals lives paths to converge." 


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 44

"This suggest that our paths through life are guided by numerous casual and problematic both direct and indirect, leading some individuals to converge upon one another in many histories."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 44

"The loss is painful, but it is our way to face our way to face our pain head on. Our response to a loss is not passive grief but to a pursuit of retribution."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 58

"It has always seemed to me that command is not about what you desire for yourself...but what you can do for others. With your skills-- and your insights -- I believe you can do much good as a starship captain."

Thelin to Spock

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 61

The away team found their first clue but it puzzled them because it was the word phantom. Chekov and a security team were chasing down the Blue Sky extremists on Android.

"Expecting us to be able to survive as we were is a lost cause, now more than ever. If we wish any part of our Gene's and culture to survive, we must share it with our fellow Andorians and merge it with theirs."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 70

"Perhaps we have cared less in the past than we should have but that's not a mistake we want to repeat."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 71

"Militaries can support and protect as well as  fight. Sometimes nothing else is powerful enough to make a difference when needed."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 71

"It was common to look for molecular disruptions as evidence of transporter use, but Thalian would never have thought of examining the specific geometry of molecular rearrangement. He began to understand why StarFleet had been so eager to alley with the Medusans."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 75

"Certain sentient brains are able to resonate with the quantum wave pattern of psionic fields enabling them to use these fields for communication, or to manipulate psion particles for telekinetic interactions with normal matter."

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 83

"Each telepathical or telekinetic species emits it's own characteristic psionic signature, similar to its electromagnetic brain wave signature, and shaped by its neural anatomy and corresponding waves."

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 83

"I cannot guarantee that every problem has a solution, but I can guarantee that giving up is never a solution. My advice is that you do the same thing in this situation that we all do in every situation: Strive. Adapt. Learn. Persist--until it ends. Solve one problem at a time."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 88

"Part of a cosmic consciousness that transcends their individual selves." 


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 113

"Knowing one another's mind gave them greater peace, and greater love for each other...Their gifts was evidence of limitless potential of all humans, and it made them feel closer to the rest of you, not more distant."

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 114

"There was much I (Spock) perceived during my brief joining of minds with Kollos that I could not begin to comprehend or to express in any language I know. Yet I clearly perceived his essential qualities of intelligence; his optimism; his joyful curiosity towards all beings, especially the ones like himself. We may rightfully lament that he sacrificed himself to defeat could not share the same joy in infinite diversity. But I can say, at least, that knowing Kollos has given me an improved understanding....of the concept of beauty."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 115

"It is unfortunate that so many of us must experience the loss of something before we understand the importance of preserving it."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 120

Kirk was offered admiralcy at StarFleet again. This time he would still retain command of the Enterprise. Spock would be captain as well as teacher of cadets on the ship. The ship would only be used periodically to make emergency voyages when needed.

"If you take a chance on something new, you won't find yourself even happier as a result."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 138

"You can't bring the best out in people by going easy on them."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 146

"We may not know how to overcome obstacles, but the galaxy is full of civilization far more advanced and ancient than we are. There's always the possibility that a crew could run a few of the artifacts of such a civilization and find itself dealing with that seemingly impossible situation--and the impossible choices it forces them to make."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 148

"You can only remain a student for so long. In time, we must all grow beyond our teachers."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 152

"In fiction, if you wanted more adventures of the same cast of friends and heroes you keep them together indefinitely, installment after installment for as long as the audience interests remained. But real life tended to be more impermanent. What they had shared on the Enterprise was special, something that came along once in a lifetime--and they have managed to have it twice already. What were the odds that it would come again?"

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 157

"Family squabbles can be the worst of all. I don't expect this to be easy." 


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 162

"Humanity is a concept with room for change and evolution."

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 163

"So why is it that a Federation that accepted so much diversity of thought, customs, and ability between different species had so much trouble with a new form of diversity within humanity?" 

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 169

"The problem is that we continued to grow and they didn't. Just because they're trapped in their heads they assume the worst about others' motives. It's always been an intrinsic flaw in humans, a course of unnecessary fear and conflict. Why can't they see that we're the solution to that flaw? All that we are about is love and peace.  It comes naturally to us, because we can truly understand each other and know not to fear." 

Maya Arias

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 170

"Well, if the only beings you know how to engage with are those you're already one with, than you lack a necessary skill for engaging with the rest of the universe. What you have between yourselves is amazing, even enviable in many ways. But you're always going to have blind spots towards the rest of the universe. Not all species minds are susceptible to telepathy, or willing to open to it. So that ability to reach out to those thoughts you can only imagine is still important."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 171

"Apparently it was easier for dimensional drive technology to take things out of the field than it was to put things into it."

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 182

"With the losses I've sustained this pass year, I've come to appreciate the value of making the most of the time we have with someone. The fact that it will all end is all the more reason to embrace it."

Jones to Kirk

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 191

"Of course. They're your family. No one frustrates us more than the people we love the most. Just embrace what you already have and that should be enough."

Arsiene Xiung to Keiko Onami

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 196

"If you had to run and hide from a threat, would you be content to hide forever? To make that a permanent way of life, always in retreat from those who would never accept your existence? Or would you hold on to hope that you could change that status quo, by changing enough minds that there would be no longer be any reason to fear?"


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 197

"The realistic of the moving mass tilts the axis of space and time, essentially dragging them out of alignment."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 203

"Regrettably, history is replete with groups motivated by violence and hatred towards others for arbitrary or incomprehensible reasons. For some, the mere fact of difference, or the mere existence of competitors for their accustomed power and privilege, has been perceived as an existential threat requiring violent response."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 206

Miranda Jones created a space-time rift to save the Enterprise and other Starfleet vessels from the Naazh vessels.

Medusans manipulate higher dimensions. Chekhov just transported Reon-Ka of the Medusans complex.

"At its request, I let it join with my mind and share its knowledge of the long struggles. Of the perverted and unnatural, experiments of the extremist faction you call 'refugees,' hybridizing corporal and incorporeal forms from different universes in search of a chimeric blend with the power to conquer both. Just as humanity fought the Augments, so the Lords fought to eradicate these dangerous fusions before their corruptions could spread through both domains of existence. But they escaped this domain and began their long infiltration, breeding their chimeras for generations until they were ready to awaken and conquer."

Miranda Jones

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 261

"Power of emotion is not a license, but a responsibility."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 262

They arrived at the Medusuan Complex

"As in complex trans-dimensional manifold, an inter-phase space connecting multiple spatial and sub spatial domains."

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 264

"The complex intersects several universes-subspace domains large and small, some with more than three spatial dimensions, some with physical laws far from our own."

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 264-265

"We explore the unknown because we hope it will change us for the better."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 270

"It's not about sensing. It's about knowing. Just the idea of being outside our native universe feels unnatural. Nothing familiar out there. No way to find our way back home. It's a frightening thought."

McCoy to Spock

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 279

"That's all you can really ask of anyone-that they try to help as far as their hands can reach. If enough of us do that, it adds up."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 286

"Here on the surface the Medusans had unleashed a chilling multi-dimensional attack on several of the Naazh hover-cruisers."

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 303

"The pain is part of your life, a part of your being. As much as a limb or sensory organ. It exists to support you, to be harnessed by you. The mind can govern it, direct it constructively. But first you must accept it. Both the strength of the emotion and the discipline of the intellect. Both are required to achieve completion and positive action."

Spock to T'Nalae

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 312

"Learn from your pain, your guilt towards your past actions,. Let it guide your choices in the future."

Spock to T'Nalae

Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 312

"Telepathy has been an inherent part of Aernar society for more than a millennium, inseparably woven into their culture. Their new understanding of its origin have not altered that. With so few Aernar left now, preserving their culture and identity is more important than ever... Who knows with their transmutation abilities The Aernar may be able to reverse their reproductive decline and build a thriving population once again. It is only a shame that they will not be able to share such solutions with Andoria." 


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p.  324

"It's not always possible to cure hate, but we cannot allow abandon the efforts to redeem those who remain redeemable. All our species have conquered the hatred and irrational fears that once pervasive, choosing instead to favor openness and cooperation. Through hope, persistence and positive efforts, we have changed minds, one by one, until we change enough of them to change the course of entire societies."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 327

"I think the Federation has lost something now that The New Humans are gone. Their movement may have been based on...call it a misunderstanding of their true nature...but still, it was a source of hope for many. A promise that humanity was capable of achieving something transcendent. After the time I spent among The New Humans, I have faith in their basic humanity to believe that they could have kept their idealism in tact."


Higher Frontier Christopher L. Bennet p. 329

Friday, May 14, 2021

The Captains Oath

I started this story on Wednesday July 17, 2019 an completed on Monday September 30, 2019. It is by Christopher L. Bennett. It has 385 pp. It was written in May 2019. "I, (name), having been appointed an officer in the United Federation of Planets in the grade of captain, do solemnly swear to uphold the regulations of the United Federation Starfleet as well as well as the laws of the United Federation of Planets to represent the highest ideals for which they stand, to become an ambassador of peace and goodwill, to protect the security of the Federation and all its member worlds, and to offer aid to any and all beings that request it." --Starfleet Oath of Service "Where others saw nothing but functional straight lines and circles, Kirk saw Pegasus in flight, the skin gleaming white, the dorsal connection evoking the neck of a horse with head held high, the nacelles struts angled like wings poised for a forceful downstrokes." Captains Oath p. 3 Kirk's first ship was the Sacajawea. He was the youngest captain to command. Kirk requested McCoy to be chief physician aboard the Enterprise. McCoy was on a planet and would think about it. "The only greater mystery than why the ancient Vegans destroyed themselves in a war so mighty that it shattered entire dwarf plants is why they decided in the first place to terraform worlds around a star as young and hot and inhospitable as Alpha Lyrae. But perhaps both are manifestations of the same great power and stubborn ambition, a determination to bend the worlds to their wills instead of learning to compromise with reality. Let this be an object lesson to humanity as we contend with new worlds and new cosmic neighbors." Zhi Nu Palmer Captains Oath p. 13 "You should never underestimate the body's power to heal itself." Captains Oath p. 15 "Often the best healing techniques are still time, rest, and patience." Captains Oath p. 15 Kirk and the Sacajawea found Orion refugees on a Xarinitine freighter "A comfortable cage is still a cage." Captains Oath p. 31 "Dr. Theodore Wallace has discovered a special anomaly connecting with a four dimensional subspace domain, and he thinks he's found evidence of organic molecules within it. We've been collaborating on a simulation of how protein folding and translation occurs in higher dimensional space." Captains Oath p. 33 A Klingon battle cruiser just exploded after Kirk and Wesley's ship fought it but they both had escaped "Being a Starfleet captain is the most coveted rank in Starfleet, but it's also the loneliest." Captains Oath p. 42 "Space exploration is simply more central to humanity's historical role in the Federation, to its sense of identity and heritage, than it is to most other races. But Rigelians have a long history with exploration as well, with contact and cooperation with sister worlds in our system. It was my people the Jenna, who made first contact with the Zami and Chelon peoples and built interplanetary accords and trading networks that would one day make us an interstellar power." Captains Oath p. 43 "Those who are born to privilege often fail to recognize the imbalances it creates. There are certainly enough of those history of my own nation on Earth. It takes a conscious effort to recognize those imbalances, and not meaning to be part of the problem doesn't entitle us to deny that it exist. We become better people by remaining aware of our potential to make mistakes, since that's the only way to better our future." Captains Oath p. 44 "A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye." Captains Oath p. 46 "Just because you reached the center seat, doesn't mean the learning process is over." Captains Oath p. 49 "Fundamentally, biologically, we're still the same as we ever were, no matter what social veneer we put on. We're still killers by nature, even if we choose not to kill today." Captains Oath p. 52 "The greatest lie is that vengeance balances the scales." Captains Oath p. 55 "We still escalate. We still perpetuate the mindless reflexes of our ancestors, knowing the material cost, because we of the intangible cost of losing pride, of appearing disloyal to our clans and traditions. We place our hate for our rivals above our love for our own, and we feel any damage we bring down upon ourselves and our clansmate is worth it so long that we can convince ourselves that we hurt our enemies more." Captains Oath p. 56-57 "It's our division that makes us vulnerable. We pit our strengths against one another, and thus any outsider who co-opts other factions can use it to weaken all others. It is only by recognizing that our common bond as Acamarians outweighs our differences that we can survive in this contentious galaxy." Captains Oath p. 58 Kirk is blaming the Klingons for saying he used the Starfleet rifle "It's about whether you remain bound by your ancient traditions of blood fueds...or find a new path, a better path of your own choosing." Captains Oath p. 61 "We have found that truth comes from many teachers." Captains Oath p. 63 "A true soldier uses every available means to protect the peace, and force is not always the appropriate tool." Captains Oath p. 63 "A starship runs on loyalty to one man." Spock Captains Oath p. 67 Kirk was frustrated with Spock so he invited him to play chess "Adventure is what happens when things go wrong." Captains Oath p. 72 "I don't believe in a no win scenario." James T. Kirk Captains Oath p. 79 "Was peace always doomed to fail eventually? Or could the failure be prevented if it's causes could be anticipated?" Captains Oath p. 81 One of the away team has forty minutes of air remaining "In life there's always a way. Just give us a minute." Captains Oath p. 85 They lost one of the away team members "Try as you might, you can't save everyone. That's a lesson all doctors have to learn. Sometimes....sometimes you just have to accept the losses when they happen, and let them motivate you to keep on fighting and to save those you can." Captains Oath pp. 88-89 "Dealing with loss is part of command." Captains Oath pp. 90-91 "To take our failures as a learning experience, use them as a moving, keep striving." Captains Oath p. 93 "First contact missions had always given Jim Kirk a special thrill. The opportunity for new discoveries and the chance to learn about a species and culture previously unknown to the Federation, fulfilled the dreams of the explorer in him--prospect of hostility fired the caution of the soldier in him. Of all the missions Starfleet undertook, none was fraught with more possibity and peril, so potentially important to the future of entire civilizations." Captains Oath p. 99 They encountered ships with micro-blackholes. These vessels had defenses that were very advanced, when they fired their shields would protect the ship, no intruders could damage it. They were being hit with weapons that had the force of meteorites. The Fleet took a lot of casualties. "It doesn't make you a bad person, or a bad captain. We all grow attached to our ships. They aren't just meaningless hunks of metal and composite. They keep us alive. They take us places we never dreamed possible. We value the ships because of what they do for the crew, not in spite of the crew. So don't feel guilty that you care for the body of the ship as much as the people inside it. Just transfer that care, that love, and devotion to whatever ship you serve on next. And the one after that and the one after that." Captains Oath p. 119-120 When the Sacajawea was in dry-dock, Kirk applied as an archaeologist on Vega. "A great terraformer needs the green thumb of a gardener, the eye of a painter, and a soul of a poet. And of course it doesn't hurt to be a raging egomaniac." Captains Oath p. 115 Kirk took a small away team to Aulacri. These beings looked like feline and salamander combination. But they welcomed their visitors in spite of their appearance. During their dinner, they were entertained by dancers to which the officers found that they held on to their agility from their ancestors, more so than we have. "Terraforming is slow work, the work of generations. Those who begin it know we will not to see the completion of our work. But that doesn't mean we are free from time pressures. Our worlds teem with people, people who need new places to live and start families. The sooner we can make new worlds livable the better." Captains Oath p. 117 "Just because they said to the universe that they existed, that doesn't mean the universe has any obligation to let them be heard." Captains Oath p. 123 "When interacting with the populace of a precontect planet, any officer of Starfleet shall make no identification of self or mission; no attempt at interference with the social development of said planet; no reference to space, to other worlds, or to advanced civilizations...." Starfleet General Order One Captains Oath p. 131 "It's remarkable how many civilizations there are in the galaxy that are within a few centuries of each other technologically. Think about it. Human civilization some eight to ten thousand years old. We've been an industrialized society for about five hundred years, space going for barely two hundred. But the galaxy is thirteen billion years old. Even assuming it took billions of years for the galactic radiation to subside enough to be habitable, we're still talking at least five or six billion years for life to evolve in. So statistically what are the odds, that your civilization and mine, let alone, so many others, the Vulcans, the Andorians, the Rigelions--all began their space race within one or two millennia of each other? And that we keep running across worlds like Nacmor that are just a few hundred years behind?" Captains Oath p. 137 "Some past galactic cataclysm hundreds of millennia ago that either wiped out life or served as a stressor to drive new evolution to multiple planets, so they all reset to similar starting points at the same time. Some ancient race that manipulated different species biological or technological evolution around the same time. Some universal telepathic field that causes different different species to resonate with each other and innovate the same ideas around the same times. None of them holds up that well, but the paradox keeps us looking." Captains Oath p. 138 Kirk took a team down to Nacmar to find out what was attacking the city. They had cars, which were reserved for the military, the public got around on horse and buggy and green feathered ostriches and camels. The away team was stopped and asked for their papers The away team was kept as hostages "The government has learned that the enemy from outer space has the ability to alter minds of the Nacmorian beings, explaining the rash insurrectionist activity among formally respectable professors at Nilostig University. If you see hints of subversive thoughts or behaviors expressed by your neighbors, co-workers or family, than they may have been infected by alien signals and should be promptly reported to authorities for their own safety." Nacamorian government broadcast Captains Oath p. 148 "Jim wouldn't be captain at his age if he weren't something special. And sooner or later, all of us need to admit that it's time for a fresher more flexible minds to take the lead." Captains Oath p. 150 Kirk lied to the Premier saying that they lived on the outskirts of the town and suffered from skin abnormalities "During the wars, you see, our people came to recognize the value of a firm hand. Of obedience to higher authority, with no selfish bleating about individual freedom undermining the security needed to be like a family, with a loving but strict parent ensuring that his children obeyed the rules, and disciplining them firmly when they strayed." Captains Oath p. 153 "But now we have peace. Our enemies have been crushed, or have recognized the futility of defiance and consented to join the world order. This is undeniably good. Yet as peace continued, it has made the people....complacent. Lazy. Self-absorbed. They began to lose sight of the urgency of obedience to the state. Groups among them have begun agitating for a relaxation of the laws that keep us safe. For a tolerance towards the.... aberrations of belief and behavior that led to conflict and hatred in the past." Captains Oath p. 153 "But there are those who see weaknesses or laziness makes them unable to prosper, and many of them are inclined to blame the system for their failure. And in those communities who cling to their old ways, who refuse to assimilate fully into modern culture, well, many fail to understand the reason why things must be the way they are." Captains Oath p. 156 The aliens wanted the Federation to pretend to be at war to scare the people Kirk declined the offer "The powerful have always found it easy to use outsiders as scapegoats for their own abusers of the less powerful." Captains Oath p. 158 They were rescued by a faction of the Nacmorian "Remember kids! The state depends on all of you--not just your daddies and mommies, but also you young people--to do your part to fight off invaders from space. Every meal you go without--your parents take out of your allowance-kills a spaceman. Every piece of gold or metal scrap your parents turn into the state--kills a spaceman. And the Ultimate Premier Ribaul thanks you all for your sacrifice and courage as we stand together against from the enemy from the stars."--Nacmorian propaganda broadcast Captains Oath p. 163 The away team is being asked to help the faction that just found them by providing blueprints "They need to achieve their change from within or it will never last." Captains Oath p. 166 Mitchell, the first officer, stayed behind to help the rebels against the captains orders "Being captain means it's your call, not the damn books. Your the man on the scene, so for God's sake stop second guessing yourself? Just make your own choice, and deal with what comes. That's what I did down there." Captains Oath pp. 176-177 "Among the Agni's other advantages, their singularity technology gave them superior long-range sensor capability through the use of subspace gravity lensing. This enabled them to scan star systems throughout Federation space and identify the worlds that best suited there objectives. With no inkling of the Agni's real nature and priorities, Starfleet could never have anticipated where they would make their next move." Dr. Monali Bhasin Ministers of Sacrifice, 2289 Captains Oath p. 179 "Bigotry is quite common, but it can also be reciprocal." Captains Oath p. 194 "You want us to show you real power? Then let me take my captain to the hospital and watch me heal his injuries. Putting things back together again is much harder than breaking them." Captains Oath p. 197-198 "You are a fighter, but in the name of compassion. This is what the Federation claims to be, but I did not understand what it meant until now. Perhaps what your captain said to us before was true--that your peoples real power lies not in what you conquer, but what you build. Both your technologies and your alliances." Captains Oath p. 198 "The people...may be changed by the knowledge, but it's better than exterminating them." James T. Kirk Captains Oath p. 201 "I believe in the Prime Directive. It's not just an arbitrary rule, but a check on human arrogance. It reminds us to trust that other civilizations are intelligent and capable enough to solve their own problems...better qualified to understand their own needs than outsiders are. It's about recognizing that the Federations superior technology does not equal superior wisdom or intellectual capacity." Captains Oath p. 205 The Chenari face devastation by radiation and the Federation can help but it would disrupt the natural order of things and go against the Prime Directive Kirk is going to try to help the Chenari, against orders The Chenari look like plush mini Triceratops with wings The away team found a food sack The away team was asked to stay on the planet to begin to earn their trust, but couldn't because of the pollution Phelarsen was was the spokesperson of the Chenari Bones was trying to help an injured Chenari but a stalagmite fell and buried the patient "Our obligation under the Prime Directive is to protect the natural development of alien civilizations from outside interference or disruption. As I see it a cosmic disaster that destroys a civilization is the most extreme form of external disruption imaginable. By rescuing the Chenari, by finding another uninhibited world to settle on, we can allow their culture to survive and resume it's natural development." Captains Oath p. 217 "Their and Kinikor looked back from their tiny raft and wept as the beast burnt down all that was left of their island, their home, their kin. They wept until their tears raised the ocean and let them sail past the reef. "We do not know what we will face out there in the endless sea." Kinkor said clutching her pregnant belly. "We know it will be better than what we have left," Thorwar told her. For their will be no more Beasts to betray us, and we never teach our children the ways of war." Captains Oath p. 223 "Some knowledge does more harm than good. And some truths are better forgotten." Captains Oath p. 232 "Regulas had no native civilization but it was heavily colonized by a multiple species; it had been a Vulcan protectorate before the Federation was founded, and had accumulated a large human population in the century since." Captains Oath p. 245 The Regulan defense force is older than Starfleet "Things became easy when you make them that way. We just have to show them that they can have a home on Regelous. That's just how the Regelons are. Look how welcome you made us feel when you asked us to settle on our moon." Captains Oath p. 250 "Look for the values in today. It's what we do today that let's us decide our tomorrow's." Captains Oath p. 251-252 "When the dying component of Regulus A binary cast off its atmosphere, leaving a white dwarf corpse behind, it's companion swallowed much of its expelled hydrogen and swelled into a much hotter blue giant, vaporizing the systems innermost planets yet warming several of the outer worlds to habitable temperatures. The resultant rapid ecological shifts created pressures that accelerated the pace of evolution on these worlds allowing complex, diverse forms of life to emerge unusually early in the systems history. Regulans take this as a reminder that life thrives on unexpected challenges." Vaacith sh'Lesinas, The Federation and Back Captains Oath p. 253 "Thirty millennia ago, an advanced civilization known as the Veliki had used Regulus as a living laboratory for their genetic engineering of ultraviolet resistant lifeforms from the pale slug like blood worms that ecked out a subterranean existence on the dry scolding second planet to the iridescent, mirror-feathered birds of the lush fifth planet." Captains Oath p. 254 Kirk was holding Verrick up against his will. Verrick said "Logiccaly, the needs of the many," Kirk cut him off "Every situation faced was simply to overcome." Captains Oath p. 269 "Maybe you're a soldier so often that you forget you are also trained to be a diplomat." Leonard McCoy Captains Oath p. 271 "No casualties is few enough." Captains Oath p. 272 "Conflict have arisen from misunderstandings before." Captains Oath p. 276 "No conflict can be resolved until communication exists. We must attempt to negotiate." Captains Oath p. 277 Kirk had to ask Diaz, the person who just lost her best friend to the Agni to help make a peaceful dialogue with them and she graciously accepted. "The Agni don't seem to rely on vision as a primary sense, seeing as how their atmosphere is opaque over a distance to nearly everything but radio, microwave and inferred. We think their main long-range senses are thermal and acoustics. That's part of why it was so hard to crack their language--the lack of direct sensory analogies." Captains Oath p. 280-281 Kirk wondered if they were ignored because they could not be sense The Agni are refugees who just wanted to build a home, but were tired of all the resistance they faced "This far and no further. We assumed that pushing forward past our imaginary walls in empty space meant they had hostile intent. Instead they assumed we were the hostile ones, attacking them in the middle of nowhere over nothing." Captains Oath p. 287 "That was what drove the refugees all over the galaxy--that hope of finding a welcoming community, a place to belong. And yet so often they were seen as a threat and a burden by those who took their own belongings for granted. So often they were hounded and ostracized. And yet they kept looking, kept hoping." Captains Oath p. 289 "Abandon our cities? These creatures squat in our system, attack a planetary capital, kill over a dozen Regulans, and now demand that we retreat and accept there conquest? Never!" Captains Oath p. 290 "And we're welcoming--to those who did no harm. That doesn't mean we have to bend over for those who come with hostile intent. Who claim need and desperation as a diversion from their true aggressive intentions." Captains Oath p. 295 "They chose to take that risk for the sake of knowledge." Captains Oath p. 299 Kelso just abandoned his station because he didn't believe in the mission, Sulu resumed it "Logic is a method for solving problems, not the thing that sets the problems up in the first place." Captains Oath p. 306 "All such choices require an understanding of who we are, what our origins and contexts are. They cannot be made well in the absence of true knowledge of our identity and our history." Captains Oath p. 307 "Computer translation creates the illusion of pure objectivity, but the software can all too easily reflect and even amplify the unconscious biases of its programmers. It's a delicate balance--we want to interpret other languages into terms we understand, yet not let our preconceptions distort their real meaning. It helps if translator programming are multicultural and multi species, but the programmers still have a responsibility to remove themselves from the equation as much as possible. --Hoshi Sato Captains Oath p. 315 "We wish to establish trust but that has to go both ways if we can be allowed to inspect your shipyards, to verify its intentions, it will help us build trust." Captains Oath p. 318 "Observing our ships would give you an advantage over us. We will no longer allow cold beings to dictate what we could do. We will control our own realm, and we will defend against cold beings who intrude on it--just as you have against us. It is all you understand." Captains Oath p. 318 "The fear of the unknown is a universal trait. It helps keep us alive. And your experience has taught you that there is often good reason for that fear." Captains Oath p. 319-320 "But equally important for our survival is in fascination with the unknown--the willingness to see its possibilities and embrace them. My species, humanity, has always had an inborn drive to explore the unknown, to find ways to live in realms that were alien, even hostile to us--from deserts and mountains on our world to the emptiness of space." Captains Oath p. 320 "As soon as I learned that other stars had people living around them, looking back towards me, I felt an irresistible desire to meet them. To visit every single star I could see." James T. Kirk Captains Oath p. 322 "There are those who only see fear in the unknown. They have their role in new places. But....Those of us who see opportunity in the unknown are the ones who take are people to those places. We cannot let fear deafen us to opportunity." Captains Oath p. 325 "We've been trained to think in other terms than war. We've been trained to fight its causes if necessary." James T. Kirk Captains Oath p. 326 "The truth is that the Agni are refugees, homeless survivors who came to Regulas in search of a safe haven. Our difficulty in understanding each other often kept us from seeing that they were exactly the kind of people we have always welcomed in our community and take pride in assisting. Yes they killed my friend. Yes that made me angry and afraid. But that anger, that fear, kept me from understanding what H'Raal's death really meant. She wasn't a helpless victim of aggression. She didn't have to die that day. She could've lived if she just thought of her own survival, her own fears. And ignored the fears of others. But that wasn't H'Raal's way, because she believes in what Regulas stands for. What the Federation stands for. She chose to take a risk, to look beyond her fear for her own safety and selflessly help others in need. She saved my life. In her final moments, she chose to save me instead of herself. Because she knew that we, as a people are not driven by fear and selfishness. We don't sacrifice the lives of others because we fear our own." Captains Oath p. 332 "When all you have are your memories, let no one take them from you--least of all yourself." Aulacri proverb Captains Oath p. 341 "The survivors who made the way back to Auclac-they must have been ashamed of the savagery that led them to destroy their homeworld. They must have been resolved to become better, to get it right the second time and leave that dark side of themselves behind." Captains Oath p. 344 "Many of us have similar atrocities in our ancestry. My own ancestral culture on Earth, in a land called America, was founded on one of the greatest genocides in my planet's history, the theft of an entire continent from its native people....and on the brutal enslavement of humans from another continent. Yet at the same time America pioneered representative democracy, social justice, diplomacy and innovation laying the foundation for the guiding principles of the Federation. Both extremes coexisted in the same culture, as they do in so many. It's a paradox of history, we struggle with to this day." Captains Oath p. 344 "Having faith in the human ability to learn from mistakes. It's only by our wrongs and our failures, by confronting them honestly that we can ever transcend them. The greatest evils are committed by those who assume they can do no wrong. It's our acceptance of our capacity to do evil that drives us to do better." Captains Oath p. 344-345 "For the past quarter-century, the Agni have remained on peaceful but distant terms with the Federation and have resisted a closer relationship, needing nothing from it besides its parallel existence within its space. Since neither order of life can exist in other's worlds, since they can barely even perceive one another and can communicate only indirectly and imperfectly, the Agni are in many ways more remote from the Federation than the most distant M-class civilization yet discovered. Yet their co-existence within the Federation system is proof that even the most extreme divides can be bridged." Dr. Monali Bhasm Ministry of Sacrifice Captains Oath p. 351 "Imagine how it must be for them. Coming out in the galaxy and finding worlds you can live on are few and far between and that most of the life out there is inconceivably alien. We got incredibly lucky to find a universe whose worlds and peoples are so close a match to our own." Captains Oath p. 351-352 "According to Captain Kirk and his science crew, the singularity are an impressive technological achievement, but hard to contain and repair, and inefficient to create in the first place. You could power both our ships for a year with the energy it takes to create one micro singularity. We're better off with the power systems we have. And without the singularity there's no plasma beam." Captains Oath p. 352 "Commanding a starship is your first, best destiny." Spock Captains Oath p. 359 "It's by confronting and learning from our mistakes that we better ourselves." Captains Oath p. 360 McCoy was just placed as MCO of the Enterprise "Take a chance on peace." Captains Oath p. 375 "Judgement only works if you believe in it." Captains Oath p. 376

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Star Trek: New Earth

When you find a New Earth, you find new ideas. I began this book on Monday October 19, 2020. I competed it on Monday March 15 2021. It had 360 pages. It was published in 2000.

"From the moment they left Earth's gravity well, The Belle Terre colonist had bristled with fierce independence. They made their own rules, picked their own battles, all but spat upon Starfleets offers of help and personal--even when that help would have saved them from numerous disasters that had plagued the expedition practically from the word go."

Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 4

Uhura was having fatigue transmitting the same message over and over again in search for Sulu and not getting a response when the planets Cheif Technical Officer Neil Bartel handed her the planets verion of coffee. He did that every day at this hour to keep her company.

"The disadvantage of chatting with fellow technical specialists was their clear eyed-grasp of the crux of a problem. She knew exactly how to extrapolate refractorance angles to all parts of the subcontinent once she had a minimum set of values, and she'd even figued out how to correct the system for the daily meteorological variation of the boundary layer. But she still had no answer for the fundemental question of why Sulu had never, not even once, heard any of her experimental hails."

Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p.13

"Starfleet has taught him (Chekov) not to tangle up his concentration with things outside of his control."

Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 19

Chekov, Reddy and Pettel, two pilots from the planet had just crashed landed in a dust storm, but into water.

"Every new world is a new chance to learn."


Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 22

"When you were someplace no human had gone before you couldn't help but learn something...and you couldn't ever consider an instant of your life wasted, even if you were repeating the same six words over and over again for eight hours a day."

Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph pp. 22-23

"The bridge crew of the Enterprise had weathered enough emergency situations to avoid wasting time with unnecessary words."

Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 27

"Belle Terre was so far away from other star systems that it was officially an orpan star system."

Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph pp. 35-36

"People who had accepted death as an option weren't as concerned with their own safety."


Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 38

"Time always attenuated for him under stress. Minutes stretched to the breaking point, and everything from fumbling with a suit to small talk devoured precious seconds. He'd figured out some years ago that this initial time dissonance was his own perception, not reality. And he tried hard not to barette his teammates for failing to feel it too."


Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 39

Plottels suit was leaking water in, Chekov said if it was necessary he could buddy with someone so he should remain calm.

Chekov arose from the ocean, was at arms with a gunman, even though he said he was from the Enterprise, the gunman wouldn't back away. Chekov could have killed him.

"Any chance of the cargo shuttle landing with it's crew alive is enough to justify a rescue mission."


Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 67

"Crawford's Law of Subspace Resonance says that transperiodic elements in a crystal lattice can amplify an electromagnetic signal when the subspace emission frequency equals wavelengths times sounders constant."

Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 68

They found a missing shuttle. They never found the shuttle they were searching for. Uhura was talking with an orbital shuttle in need of supplies, and she would send them.

"Take advantage of any opportunity that might help carry out a mission."

James T. Kirk

Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 77

Chekov found Plottel dead and then Baldwin found him. Chekov was looking for weapons on Plottel.

"But we were on the shoulder of our last frequency band and barely making contact. More might have been smeared out by refractive variablity."


Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 89-90

The Carsons were a group bullying the people on Belle Terre

"Only a few frequencies should match all the possible chrystal refraction angles. Those are the ones that will show an increase in signal strength over distance. So only the places the frequencies happen to refract to are going to see any kind of signal." 


Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 120

"Bad enough one agonized over the realization on the details over the situation forcing everyone else to accept just how bad things were wouldn't bring them any closer to getting out of it."


Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 128

Chekov left Plottel and Baldwin to search for help.

Uhura and Sulu were with Weir and the other scientists. They got in a shoot out with someone who had no knowledge of the floodings that they were their to save the peolpe from.

"The more open space there is underground, the weaker the rim will get. Eventually, it won't be able to withstand the lakes water pressure anymore, and the whole side of the crator will fall."

Andy Weir

Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 153

The medoc who assisted Chekov served upon The John Glenn.

"The willingness to take on risk, isn't the same as preparedness."

Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 154

Uhura and Weir were caught out in an acid rain storm. Then someone started shooting at them. Uhura realized she'd been captured by the Carson's.

The colonists had clones of dogs.

"Sure things are harder than we hoped for when we set out, but it's also a kind of blank slate, just waiting for us to write a new future on her."

Star Trek: New Earth
L. A. Graph p. 194

Sulu was awakened by the licks of dogs on his face.

"He stopped Thee in the front room, before he could follow him back out into the Sun. Stay in here, like Hell, she jerked away from him when he moved away to take hold of her elbow. "I'm not letting you leave me in here." He gritted his teeth against a frustrated sigh, but backed away with his hands making no attempt to restrain her. Gwen, I'm not going to leave you. But I can't promise that I can protect you and myself at the same time. Then let me take care of myself. Fear and grief brightened her eyes to feverish spots in the houses darkness. "Starfleet taught me how to defend myself." But against these kinds of aweful weapons? he wondered acutely aware of the heavy rifle in his hands. Against these kinds of people who just slaughtered defenseless animals just to prove they were able?"

Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 207

"Security's entire reason for existance was to protect fellow officers from harm, emotional as well as physical."

Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph pp. 208-209

"Independent doesn't mean abandoned."


Star Trek: New Earth 
L. A. Graph p. 212

Chekov and Thee found a comm system

Uhura was captured. She awoke in the dark. In her cell was a comm device. Uhura was talking to Brittney Linvalle, desert specialist, Belle Terre Chapter of The New Rachel Carson Society.

Chekov was found by Sulu. Uhura made contact with Bartels.

"I understand a little better than I used to how easily barbarianism can sneak up on you when you feel like you've lost all other options."


Star Trek: New Earth
L. A. Graph p. 281

Sulu and Chekov are stuck in the cockpit of the Bean with Thee. Peacekeepers were about to discover them. Chekov and Bartels were struggling to stay alive in an oblivion storm.

A Klaud ship was spotted approaching Launo Verdi.