Wednesday, June 7, 2023

One Giant Leap

We all take leaps and bounds within our lives. We all are amazing comrades within this giant world that we call existance. I began reading this on Wednesday April 23, 2023. I completed reading this on Sunday April 30, 2023. This is a short story of 41 pages.

Kirk was in what seemed to be a transporter, although this was unlike any he has ever been through before, he was suspended floating between countless dimensions. He was dealing with two Kalamdans. They were thin, tall, and frail. Kirk was trying to retrieve a cylinder from two females, Luz and Tasm.

They took Kirk to their leaders who put Kirk in a tomb. He was only left with his communicator so he was trying to reach help. Kirk got one of the uniforms and was able to go around freely. The alien's communicated with minimum words. Kirk realized it would take him over 20 years to reach Federation Space.

Kirk gained access to an information feed. He didn't know how but he did. Luz and Kirk escaped in maintenance tubes.

Kirk took Luz to Starfleet through the wormhole. Luz stated to Kirk you have not seen the last of my people.

StarTrek: New Fronteir: Death After Life

I started reading this new story on Saturday May 27, 2023. It has 38 pages within it. I completed reading it on June 3, 2023.

MacKenzie Calhoun captain of Excalibur was on a planet with Shelby. They just traversed through a wormhole to Xenox, MacKenzie's homeworld.

Calhoun and Shelby were both dying in a battle on Xenox. Before their consciousness left them they met Calhoun's father. Then they awoke in a tent where they were being healed. Their trying to leave.

Calhoun and his wife Shelby were in a place equivalent to Valhalla of Nordic mythology. They left with Calhoun's father fending off the warriors. After they got through the gateway their shuttle craft got them.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

More Beautiful Than Death

By David Mack

I began this novel on Sunday March 5, 2023. It's was published in 2020. It has 333 pages. I finished this novel on Monday April 17 223.

"And I shall show that nothing can happen more beautiful than death." Walt Whitman "Leaves of Grass" "Proto Leaf" 1860

"Pain is an illusion."

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack Spock p. 2

Spock awoke to find Uhura and Serek unconscious.

L'Nel, Serek's aide asked if Spock was mated.

The planet was under seige by demons.

"The entities appear as if to be made of smoke, and their presence chills the air. Their touch can kill a healthy adult within seconds. And none of our weapons seem to have any affect on them. So far, they seem to only fear sunlight."

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 33

"The situation has been made worse by a religious sect that is spreading lies in a bid to distablelize this government and establish a theocracy. They're marching in the streets and hijacking broadcast stations to spread the rumor that the entities our creatures out of our ancient mythology-the Wights of Underdark."

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 39

"The Underdark is a vast network of natural caverns deep under the planets surface."

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 39

Kirk was ready to take a landing party to investigate the planet. Serek stopped him. The governor came on board. Kirk and Spock went down to the planet alone.

The demons had an affect on Kirk the same as well as all his hangovers did at once. He was about to fall off a cliff, however he was rescued by one of the landing party.

Two of the away team were severely injured. McCoy didn't know if he could heal them.

Serek wanted to take control of the Enterprise for he feels the Aliens have gained control of Kirk. The Aliens were from another dimensional plane, which is why their phasers had no effect.

"We punch through to the other dimension and create a positive node. We'll use it to shunt the excess negative charge back into a dimension where it won't affect the reactor!" 


More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 121

The Prime Minister tried to call his planet from the Enterprise and turn off their base zero point generator, which was the gateway to the other dimensions,but the general refused to acknowledge his orders and gave the Prime Minister and the Enterprise 10 minutes to break orbit, which of course they wouldn't. They beamed down.

"A trio of wights slipped though the locked door as if it weren't even there. The wizened Kathikar mystic growled and lunged forward, thrusting his walking stick at the vaporious entities. As the translucent jewel at the end of his staff made contact with the misty apparitions, there was a flash of emerald light--and it was the wights turn to fill the air with cries of pain."

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 168

"Because of the unusually high concentrations of grey dilethium in Akion's core, the effects of this rupture in the dimensional membrane will not be limited to this world, or even this star system. Because of the particular physical properties of grey dilithium the deadly emanations from Alkorion will pose a threat to dozens of neighboring star systems. Any inhabited world within twenty light-years will be  at the rise of suffering near-instantantaneous extinction level events, and this region of space might become impassible to unshielded vessel."


More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 175

McCoy told Scott about the Prime Minister who convinced McCoy to go to Spock.

"Living in an aging body is like being a passenger on a ship that's gradually sinking."

More Beautiful Than Death David Mack p. 185

They were making a weapon to use against the Wights. Kirk had to go down and use it himself though. Gveteren, the alien mystic, died in sickbay.

Captain Kirk put Serek and his advisors on a shuttle craft away from the Enterprise. This was just in case of an attack from the Wights of Underdark from the planets surface.

Scottie made a weapon that put grey dilethium in a phaser to irradicate the aliens on the planet.

L'Nel was beating up Serek, because he coddled Spock. L'Nel is T'Pring the woman Spock was betrothed to in his youth.

Stronn was T'Prings mate who died on Vulcan. She retrieved Stronns Katra and wanted to put it in Spock.

Spock asked Uhura to check on Serek. They are going to use the Enterprise dilethium as bate for the Wights as Kirk goes down to the planet to attack them.

Uhura was fighting T'Pring. T'Pring was beating her senseless. She stopped to save the Katric Ark.

The Wights were a great adversary for Kirk, but he managed to survive. The Enterprise was struggling as well however also managing from the Wights attack.

Spock went to investigate Uhura's disappearance. They beamed Kirk up just in the nick of time before the Wights could get him. Spock found Uhura and Serek both beaten severely. L'Nel had stunned Spock.

Spock's human half saved him through his mind meld with L'Nel. He just thought of his love for Uhura.

Kirk forced Scott to transport him into Sereks quarters to find out what was going on. L'Nel was beating Kirk. Serek told Kirk to break the Urn. Kirk smashed the Urn. L'Nel screamed. Spock saved Kirk from L'Nel then fainted.

After that  McCoy said "Time for your physical." To which Kirk said, "Sure."

Later on, on the bridge McCoy asked Kirk, if the mission opened his mind to past lives. Kirk said no I believe in love.