Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Pavel Chekov

Star Trek Quote of the Day:

StarTrek Birthday:

Pavel Chekov

Born: March 11, 2241

Following  the events of the temporal incursion of 2233, Pavel Andreievich Chekov's StarFleet career would take an accelerated path with him serving on his first starship at the age of 17. As navigator on board The U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701, he was one of the few survivors of the Vulcan Incident that led to the destruction of the planet. His advanced skills with a transporter allowed him to save the lives of crewmates Kirk and Sulu as they fell to the planet Vulcan, but he was unable to save Spock's mother, Amanda Grayson, during the crisis. A year later he accepted a temporary assignment as cheif engineer on the Enterprise's covert mission to the Klingon Homeworld.

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